• Chlor-Alkali Electrolysis
  • WT and WWT engineering

The personnel responsible for preparing disinfectant solutions

The personnel responsible for preparing disinfectant solutions must have a flawless understanding of the algorithm for their preparation, as well as be well-versed in the provisions of methodological documentation related to the processes of creation and storage of substances. In addition, specialists are required to be knowledgeable about occupational safety and precautions when working with disinfectants.

The qualifications and responsibilities of personnel involved in the preparation of disinfectant solutions include:

  • professional training and subsequent certification with the passing of an examination;
  • precautionary and regular preventive medical examinations to monitor health conditions.

Thanks to their high level of qualification, the personnel deliver a solution with high antimicrobial activity capable of destroying a broad spectrum of aggressive microorganisms that negatively impact human health. While it may not have a direct therapeutic effect on the body, its importance should not be underestimated.


Prigotovlenie dezinficiruyushchih rastvorov

Main Advantages of Anolyte ANK Solution

The widespread use of this solution is justified by the presence of a considerable number of positive properties and qualities, among which it is necessary to highlight the following points:

  • excellent disinfecting and sterilizing properties;
  • good cleaning qualities – the ability to combine stages of cleaning and sterilization;
  • absolute environmental safety with a wide range of applications;
  • the possibility of use in the presence of patients, simplifying the task of processing.

Compliance with all current norms and requirements for personnel involved in disinfection is monitored by a special government organization performing supervisory functions. Therefore, these rules do not contradict the existing regime operating at the legislative level. The impeccable quality of the substance allows creating the most favorable conditions for subsequent infection sterilization without harm to the health of the staff.

Anolyte ANK Disinfectant Solution

There is a sufficiently wide range of produced solutions designed for disinfecting the environment of HIV patients, as well as equipment, hives, etc. Anolyte ANK disinfectant can be used in various directions:

  • combating mold and fungi;
  • sterilization of baby nipples, bottles, toothbrushes, etc;
  • cleaning baths, sinks, and sanitary facilities.
  • sterilization.

The prepared solution undergoes rigorous and meticulous testing, thanks to which consumers receive a high-quality disinfecting substance. At the same time, control of the activity of the working solution is maintained, using such testing methods as visual, chemical, and express control (a test is applied). Thus, all solutions sent to the consumer fully comply with state requirements and standards.

Current Scheme for the Preparation of Disinfectant Solutions

Before starting work, make sure that the necessary inventory is available. First of all, this concerns the use of protective measures such as a gown, gloves, respirator, or screen. In many medical institutions where disinfection is carried out regularly, the entire set of tools is already available, so there should be no special problems in the process of preparing the solution. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions, sequentially performing such procedures:

  • conducting hygienic hand treatment;
  • checking the integrity of the container for the solution;
  • using protective and auxiliary medical inventory as intended;
  • filling an empty container with purified water;
  • adding the concentrate of disinfectants in the required proportions (it can be in solid form, such as granules for dishwashing);
  • transferring the labeled ready solution for storage. Tags with important information for packaging – composition, date of manufacture, concentration of the active substance, and the expiration date – are affixed to the sealed container;
  • cleaning the workspace. Almost any medical procedure requires special control and compliance with certain hygienic norms. Accordingly, it is not surprising that after handling a chemical solution, the specialist must clean the workplace and hands, as before eating. While following all the recommendations listed above, it is important not to forget about the restrictions. In particular, it is prohibited to conduct experiments by mixing solutions of different ages.

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